I had no idea what was going to happen, mainly since I've only gone running 3 times since my marathon on June 2nd. I could see it going really well, keeping some of my endurance up over the month. I could see it going horribly, basically losing everything I gained while marathon training.
I checked in, got my sweet shirt, and got ready for the starting line. I won a pair of cheap sunglasses because I knew a trivia answer of who won the men's lacrosse NCAA championship (UNC).
Ready... Set... Go!
I took a deep breath and started trotting. It started with a big downhill, so I got to pick up some speed and test the breathing. I felt really good, but hoped that it would last. First mile- still felt great. It was a nice course that looped around the streets of Highlands Ranch. Then, it hooked onto a walking trail that cut through the meadow. Beautiful! Then, it got hard. There were a few tough hills that took the breath out of everyone, causing a lot of people to walk. I was thrilled that I still felt great and didn't have to! After a few uphills, then we rounded the final corner of the race, and could see the finish line - a quarter mile ahead and all uphill. Normally, I make a big sprint to the finish. Not today - the hill neutralized any burst I had left. I picked up a little speed, gritted my teeth, and just started at the finish line, watching it get closer and closer.
Official Time: 28:29
I'm super happy with this time! The next few months I'm going to focus on hitting a better time, but this was a test. I haven't really lost anything, even though I haven't been running and haven't been eating very well. I felt great, especially considering it was a tough course. It got me excited to keep going and get ready for the next one!
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