Saturday, December 31, 2011

What a year...

2011 truly was an amazing year!

As each year comes to a close, I like to take a look back to see the adventure that has been.

In January, I set a bunch of goals (see below) to help me accomplish some of the things I was looking for in my life. I spent several days at Disney. I ran a couple of 5K's and discovered that running was more than just something to do - it quickly became a hobby, a passion, and a way of life. I continued on my grad school adventure, graduating in May.

I packed up everything and crammed it into my Pontiac G6, and set off for a new adventure in Denver, Colorado. I finally broke the 30 minute 5K. I started a new job. I played A LOT of volleyball. I played in the mountains. I lost a bunch of weight. I ran my first 10K. I took some great trips.

And I met some of the most amazing people in the world.

Not a bad way to spend a year...

Here's a check in for how my goals for 2011 went:

1. Accomplish (as much as I can of) the Florida List - Made some great memories on the way out
2. Earn another 4.0 spring semester - It was easy, but it still felt good :)
3. Become a Master (graduate from grad school) - You're looking at Jeff Parker, M.Ed.
4. GET A JOB - Sweet home Colorado
5. Read 50 Books - I was on pace through June, but then moved to CO and started my new life there. That whole reading thing didn't keep up. But in 2011 I read 30 1/2 (mostly) amazing books
6. Run a race every month (mostly 5K, some 5K w/ obstacles, & hopefully a 10K+) - I ended up running 13 5Ks and 2 10Ks
7. More running goals- Run 211 miles, run for 10 miles, sub-7:00 mile - 162, 6.2, 8:30 - nope, but on my way!
8. Complete P90X (I was 0/4 in 2010) - Not even close
9. Lose 50+ lbs. - I've lost 50 total, but only 35 in 2011. I'm ok with that.
10. Visit 5 new states/countries - Oregon & Colorado, but lots of new experiences in states I've already been to. A great year for travel
11. Smile and laugh. A lot. Always

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